This is a backstage pic taken on set while shooting a college football commercial for the VERSUS network. I loved the job because i got to get in full gear and do full contact but it definitely made me miss the game that i grew up playing.
Brian was one the first photographers ive ever shot with and I def learned a lot from him. He was visiting South Beach to check up on his models that he had placed in diff agencies so we met up and ate some good ole bar-b-que.
2bad the weather isnt 2 nice in NYC 2day because i planned on jogging in central park but oh well. Its kind of cold and its been raining all morning but 2morrow is suppose to be sunny so im looking forward 2 that. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Ive always thought it was strange how in clothes or in a suit i look so skinny but hey thats a good thing. I think it defintely helps me out that i can do both body and suit jobs because modeling is all about selling clothes.